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Order Execution

Execute 99.99% of transactions within 1 seconds

Execution power is determined by the server trading environment and affiliated liquidity providers.
FXCA has set up data centers in Tokyo, Hong Kong and Singapore, etc.
We provide a fast and stable trading environment by partnering with a major liquidity provider.
In addition, in order to provide a trading environment that customers can use with peace of mind, FXCA is making efforts to further improve the service by disclosing the order execution results of the previous month.

  • 07/03/2022 Order execution results as of
  • Data may differ in actual contracts due to sudden price fluctuations, internet access and server environment. In the event of any of these differences, we will prioritize the actual results of contracts (non-contracts) in actual transactions.

What is contract power?

The contract power is the power to complete an order, and its quality is judged from the contract rate and the contract speed.
The contract rate is the probability that a transaction will be executed as ordered.
For example, if 90 out of 100 orders are executed as ordered, the execution rate will be 90%.
The second execution speed is how fast the order is executed.
This contract speed is very important, especially during times when market fluctuations are large.
The difference between the ordered price and the actually executed price is called “slippage”.
The higher this slippage, the less accurate the order will be executed.
The execution speed will be faster as the data center of the liquidity provider and the server of the Forex trader are closer.
There are many overseas Forex companies that achieve a contract rate of 99% or more,
but if the contract rate is high but the contract speed is slow,
Please note that it is not possible to place an order at the trader’s intended price rate.